Donna called me this morning with more on the progression of nilotinib research to PD treatment. Nilotinib is currently used for chronic myelogenous leukemia , a cancer of the white blood cells and early studies showed it as promising, Now, Georgetown University and its researchers announced there will be a collaberation between the Michael J. Fox Foundation, the Van Andel Research Institute in Michigan and the Cure Parkinson’s Trust in the UK to assess clinical usage and development of nilotinib as a PD treatment. One of the team’s goals is plan a double-blind , placebo-controlled clinical trial.
The Michael J. Fox Foundation had a webinar on the topic on August 2nd. Check the MJFF website to see if that program is still available to listen to online. It looks like many can. There is also more information about how the nilotinib helps those who suffer from Parkinson’s Disease.
Anyone want to share more information? Thanks, Donna.