Many of us have worked with physical therapists to improve our strength, balance, coordination, and movements, as well as speech therapists to address soft voice, swallowing and communication issues. Some of us have also participated in the LSVT BIG and LSVT LOUD programs, developed specifically for Parkinson’s.
What about Occupational Therapy, often referred to as OT. Where does it fit into the therapy equation? How can OT help with issues like weakness in our hands and fingers, making it difficult to type, zip up or button clothes, and open ziplock bags and childproof lids on prescription bottles?
Our guest speaker this month is Occupational Therapist Donna Jackson. She will discuss the benefits of occupational therapy for Parkinson’s, when and how often we might need it, and share a few things we can do to strengthen our hands and fingers on our own.
- DATE: Wednesday February 7
- TIME: 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM
- PLACE: Reston
- SPEAKER: Donna Jackson, MS, OTR/L
- TOPIC: Occupational Therapy and Parkinson’s Disease
Bring your questions. Here are a few of mine:
What is the difference between OT and PT? Is OT better on an as-needed or more continual basis? Does insurance distinguish between OT and PT? Are there any benefits insurance-wise for using one over the other? How well does Medicare cover OT? How can OT help with the undesirable occurrences related to tremor and dyskinesia, such as spilling and dropping things?
About our speaker: Donna Jackson has worked as an Occupational Therapist for over 25 years in numerous settings, including hospitals, rehab facilities, and outpatient clinics. For the past 10 years, she has focused on home health therapy, both traditional home health, covered under Medicare A, and outpatient-on-wheels home visits, covered under Medicare B. She is a Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist (CAPS) through the National Association of Home Builders and a Certified LSVT BIG Clinician, although the full LSVT BIG program is generally not done through home health therapy. She has worked with and continues to work with many clients with Parkinson’s and enjoys seeing firsthand the excellent progress they experience with therapy.
We will take some time after our speaker leaves for Just-Us Share Time.
For everyone’s safety, we ask that you not attend if you are feeling ill or have been exposed to anyone who is ill. By agreement with our sponsoring organization, we do not publicly post our meeting place.
On another note: One of our members is working with PMD Alliance. They have partnered with the Agency on Aging in Prince William County. In celebration of Parkinson’s Awareness Month, the two groups are sponsoring a free event in Woodbridge on Saturday, April 6th, from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Click on ALL-IN FOR PARKINSON’S to download flyer.
An important reminder: Anything anyone talks about or suggests during our meetings is based on personal experience and should not be considered medical advice in any way, shape, or form. No one should make any changes to their individual medical treatment plan without the full knowledge and approval of their medical providers.
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