I hope you have had a wonderful holiday season surrounded by friends and family. New Years Day has come and gone as everyone’s daily lives resume. Hopefully, this group has become a regular part of your lives as well. At the December meeting, we discussed meeting for lunch in January instead of our usual meeting. I […]
Holiday Season Stress and Parkinson’s Disease
Holiday Stress The subject alone brought in some of our members who hadn’t thought they’d be able to join us. No matter whether you’re a laid-back holiday person or someone who really goes out for the season, holiday stress sneaks in. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukah or any other annual festivity, there’s no denying it. […]
December Meeting Notice
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day! Fast on the heals of that big event is another – the December meeting of Women with Parkinson’s Disease support group. Just to remind you: Date: Wednesday, December 3rd Time: 1 – 2:30pm For location, contact the group. Topic: We all know that stress is hard on […]
We’re supposed to get a light dusting of snow tonight. No, we don’t have to abandon our cars yet, but it did remind me that we should discuss winter weather . As a general rule, our meeting location is closed when Fairfax County Public Schools are closed. So if you hear the schools are closed, you’ll […]
November Meeting – Depression and Other Symptoms
This, our second meeting, had some surprises. The chief one was that, although the number of women attending was about the same, this meeting was the first for half of the attendees. Our numbers are growing but not everyone can make every meeting. The second surprise was our spacious new meeting place. It was comfortable […]
November Meeting Reminder
I hope everyone is looking forward to our next meeting on November 5th from 1 – 2:30pm.. I’m excited to tell you that we have a permanent “home” and its pretty centrally located. Shoot me an email or give me a call if you need the location. I tried mapping everyone’s address and it seems […]
Should You Be Driving? Podcast summary
This is posted on the Fair Oaks Parkinson’s site but just in case you missed it, I’m posting it here. Don’t we all wonder about the driving question? This is factual and positive with strategies to stay in driving shape.
We Meet At Last
Finally! It’s the day of our first meeting. Attendance was what we hoped for, about 9 people. The hostess had a table in her lovely home that we all fit around. As the inaugural meeting, certain things had to be done. We introduced ourselves to each other and shared our PD history. Immediately, members found […]
What We Are Not and What We Can Offer
Coming into our first meeting, we need to set our expectations. It’s important that we have similar views on what our group can be. Each one of us who latched on to the possibility as soon as they heard of the group’s creation sees what we can be. The most important commitment should be to confidentiality. If […]
Inaugural Meeting Date Set
We’re excited to announce the first meeting of the Women With Parkinson’s support group! The date is set for October 1st from 1-2:15 pm at the private home of one of our members. In the meantime, we will be seeking out a regular meeting place based on where group members live and their transportation situations. […]