I hope to see as many of you as possible at our meeting this week:
Wednesday, July 1st
1pm – 2:30pm
Same church in Reston, VA (New to us? Contact us for exact location.)

Come be our experts on the issue of sleep – you know, that thing others do while you wait for morning. Well, maybe that’s just me. I have slept through the night twice in the last 4 years. If you sleep well, come brag about it and share what helps you. If you don’t sleep well, what’s your biggest issue? If you have print materials or websites that have helped you, come share.’s firs
There’ll be lots of time for hearing about the new neurologist practice in town, discussing a workshop plan to celebrate our group’s first anniversary and anything else we need or want to share. New members are welcome.
As always, snacks and water are welcome and appreciated.
Remember: There will be no meeting in August with so many either visiting or having visitors. Meetings will resume on the first Wednesday in SEPTEMBER ( September 2nd ),