January 5 Meeting Recap 

During our January 5 meeting via Zoom, we got together and shared how living with Parkinson’s is different for us now than it was two years ago and how it is different from when we were first diagnosed.  A few of us, some diagnosed 10+ years ago, talked about being more aware of our body […]

Highlights of our May Meeting and Group Updates

At our May 1 meeting via Zoom, we welcomed Amelia Faraco-Hadlock, Deputy Legislative Director for Congresswoman Jennifer Wexton. Amelia has worked closely with Congresswoman Wexton on the bipartisan National Plan to End Parkinson’s Act to improve care and coverage for people with Parkinson’s disease. The Senate unanimously passed the Act on May 23. It will be sent to […]

May 1 Zoom Meeting Announcement

We are honored to welcome as our guest speaker this month Amelia Faraco-Hadlock, Deputy Legislative Director for Congresswoman Jennifer Wexton (representing Virginia’s 10th Congressional District). Amelia handles the Congresswoman’s Health portfolio and has been working very closely with Congresswoman Wexton on the bipartisan National Plan to End Parkinson’s Act. She is scheduled for the first 30 minutes of our meeting, […]

April 3 In-Person Meeting Announcement: Just-Us Share Time

Our next meeting on April 3 will be an in-person meeting in Reston and dedicated to Just-Us Share Time. Let’s talk about those self-conscious and embarrassing moments that come with Parkinson’s. We’ve all experienced them. How have you handled them? With humor? With resignation? With that fright, flight, freeze feeling of panic? With grace and dignity? Do you […]