There were thirteen of us in the Zoom room for our March 5 meeting to talk about driving. We had a lot to talk about. We’ve all made adjustments and concessions, some of us through self-imposed driving limitations. The majority of us, however, are not driving at all. Thanks to everyone for your insights and […]
Category: Parkinson’s Disease
March 5 Zoom Meeting Announcement
Can you believe our meeting is next Wednesday, March 5! How did that happen? As far as we’re concerned, March could not come quick enough. We’re encouraged by the longer, warmer days and the first green sign of the daffodils emerging from the dirt, happy to leave this frigid, snowy winter behind. Last month our topic was […]
February 5 Zoom Meeting Announcement
Thank you for your responses about our meeting format. They were divided between two camps of thought: those of us who are unable to attend in-person meetings and are thankful for Zoom, and those of us who would prefer to meet in Reston but know the overwhelming tiredness and anxiety getting to and from these […]
January 5 Meeting Recap
During our January 5 meeting via Zoom, we got together and shared how living with Parkinson’s is different for us now than it was two years ago and how it is different from when we were first diagnosed. A few of us, some diagnosed 10+ years ago, talked about being more aware of our body […]
January 8th Meeting Announcement
Happy New Year everyone. I don’t know about you, but the year 2025 gives me pause. It doesn’t feel like that long ago we were celebrating the arrival of Y2K. How has another quarter-of-a-century passed? It was so good to see all of you who were able to join us for our holiday lunch in December. […]
November 6th Zoom Meeting Announcement
What a beautiful October we’ve had in the Northern Virginia area this year! Sunny, warm, the trees turning brilliant shades of reds, oranges, and yellows. And suddenly November has arrived with the realization we have a meeting scheduled this Wednesday, November 6 at 1:00 p.m. and that I need to get an announcement posted. Managing time, energy, […]
Notes and Resources from our Last Meeting
There were fourteen of us at our October 5th meeting via Zoom, including two new women, one who was recently diagnosed. Some of us live alone, some with spouses, and some in multi-generational houses that include sons or daughters and their spouses, as well as grandchildren. We talked about our various ages and stages of […]
October 2nd Zoom Meeting Announcement
Thank you for your patience and understanding about cancelling our September meeting. Our next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday October 2 at 1:00 PM via Zoom. Parkinson’s is what happens when we’re busy making other plans. How does this apply in your life? We are looking forward to hearing what everyone’s been up to these past few months […]
Support Group Meeting Update
It’s been a long, hot summer. Since our group does not meet in July and August, September usually heralds the start of our new year. We were scheduled to meet in-person on Wednesday, September 11. Our group facilitator and I realized several months ago that neither of us would be available to lead the group […]
Highlights of our May Meeting and Group Updates
At our May 1 meeting via Zoom, we welcomed Amelia Faraco-Hadlock, Deputy Legislative Director for Congresswoman Jennifer Wexton. Amelia has worked closely with Congresswoman Wexton on the bipartisan National Plan to End Parkinson’s Act to improve care and coverage for people with Parkinson’s disease. The Senate unanimously passed the Act on May 23. It will be sent to […]