September Meeting Notes and Helpful Resources

Lots of sharing and discussions at our September 9th meeting. Lots of familiar faces and some new ones. Lots of introspection on how Covid-19 and social isolation have affected our lives overall and with the additional challenges of having Parkinson’s.

Many of us are pretty much housebound, relying on delivery services or helpful family members to bring groceries, telemedicine for medical care, and Zoom for exercise classes and other activities. Some of us are venturing out to supermarkets, massage therapists, physical therapists, and outdoor restaurant tables. The introverts among us reported less cabin fever but a sense of loss over relatives and close friends who cannot or choose not to visit, even with the CDC recommended wearing of masks and physical distancing in the presence of others. Some of us are dealing with sciatica, others with dystonia. The majority of us reported worsening symptoms in the past six months, attributable to disease progression and to less exercise from not getting out as much. Think about how many steps you used to take to and from the parking lot, plus inside the supermarket or Costco!

One member has found she needs to get out of the house every day to stave off regression, while another is taking advantage of the extra free time the pandemic offers and is exercising more than ever. Another wants to get away for a weekend and looking for input on car travel. Suggestions included keeping a gallon-size plastic bag in the car for supplies such as paper towels, hand sanitizer, and wipes, and not using the aerator dryer in public restrooms. One member suggested avoiding public restrooms completely and offered Travel John products as an alternative. Other product suggestions made during the meeting include The Original No Touch Tool to avoid touching handles and buttons; Smart Mouth Dry Mouth Mouthwash; and a UV Sanitizer.

There was a lot of interest generated and information and individual experiences relayed when one member shared she is working to heal herself from Parkinson’s. A few sites provided by some of our members below. Links are BOLDED and Underlined.

** Note that any and all site links to products, information, and resources that appear on this website are provided for convenience only and not to be construed as an endorsement, implied or otherwise, of any of these products, information, or resources. No one should make any changes to their medication or individual medical treatment plans without first discussing with their neurologist and other medical providers.**

One member, who has always been interested in alternative medicine and healing, worked with Master Mingtong on Wisdom Healing Quigong She also likes Out-Thinking Parkinson’s-lots of “insights, tips & tricks and research from the perspective of people with PD.” They also have a Facebook page, as does Parkinson’s Disease Fighters United. She adds, If anyone would like to discuss alternative options with me, I would be happy to have a conversation with them. (Leave a comment below or contact me to connect.)

Another member has shared this site as helpful in her healing from Parkinson’s journey: Fighting Parkinson’s Drug Free about one man’s holistic approach to fighting Parkinson’s with or without medicine. She’s also shared a few YouTube videos and Tedx Talks: Healing Illness With the Subconscious Mind, The Shocking Truth About Your Health, and How to Optimize Your Brain to be as Happy as Possible.

Other helpful sites suggested by some of our members: This is about the best Parkinson’s info on symptoms I’ve found, including dystonia and dyskinesia.

Dr. Mischley did a presentation for The Parkinson’s Foundation on August 6, 2020, available on YouTube: On The Menu: Nutrition and Parkinson’s Disease. Her associate, Dr. Evans, will be our guest speaker at our February 3 meeting.

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