September Meeting–Change of Topic

One thing we learn with Parkinson’s is how to deal with things that are beyond our control. We assess, we adjust, we adapt to each situation as it’s thrown our way. 

So when the scheduled support group guest speaker sends an email twenty hours before the meeting is about to begin that she’s very sorry but she cannot attend, we move to Plan B—a last minute call to a potential speaker who, realistically, already has patients scheduled at the same time as our meeting.

Moving to Plan C. Since we haven’t met since June 3, we can seize the opportunity to get reacquainted with each other. We can talk and share. 

Come prepared to share your summer insights. To start with: How was your summer? How was this summer different from your summers before? How did you make the best of it? 

Zoom link has been emailed. Meeting time is 1.00 – 3.00 pm. Please sign in 10 minutes before the meeting officially begins from a private part of your home to preserve the confidentiality of the group members.

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