Aging Well With Parkinson’s Disease

  Well, we aren’t getting any younger, let’s face it. And thanks to new research on Parkinson’s Disease, we’re living longer with new pharmaceuticals and an increased understanding of what happens to a person who has this disease. But now that we’re living longer, what can we expect from the aging process? How will we […]

February Meeting Reminder

Our February meeting is next Wednesday. This is one of those meetings that give truth to our group name – support group. Rather than have a speaker  come , we share our experiences and knowledge with each other in mutual support . What is the subject this month? When its group only, I usually pick a starter […]

A Rockin’ Good Time

Our April visit with Karl and Angela Robb was  a wonderful blend of experience, education, conversation and laughter.  Our speakers brought a lot to the table.  Karl. author of the well-loved book, “A Soft Voice in a Noisy World”, was diagnosed when he was in his early 20’s, twenty years ago!  He’s been down that long […]

Dear Abby – Advice from the Membership: Starting on Rytary

Every so often  a member will ask to speak to anyone in the group who has experience with something they are going through.  Usually, I broadcast the question and then forward who they could contact.  Yesterday’s subject was put to us as this: Opinions and advice requested on this Rytary question.  (Rytary is a new […]

March (ing) and Other Steps to Good Health

  After one of our periodic social lunches, we had a very worthwhile visit from physical therapist, Ellen Krasniak, Clinic Director of Physiotherapy Associates in Ashburn, Virginia. A member who had benefited from her services recommended the group invite her in. We’re so glad we did! Points she made: Gait issues : A metronome (or […]

The Gift that Keeps on Giving

Have you dug yourself out of the snow yet? Have you had enough winter? Well, we’re closer to spring every day and I’m really hoping for no more big snows this year. I mean,  it’s going to be 60 degrees on Monday! Are you ready for another speaker? Trudy has asked her Physical Therapist if […]

Priceless Time

What a great meeting we had today!  With no outside guest speaker, and the holidays behind us, it was time to keep the meeting members only with a freeform conversational flow.  Topics ranged from medications old and new as well as what is coming down the pike.  Some time was spent discussing the possibility of […]

November: Nutrition,and Eating Well As the Holidays Begin

With Thanksgiving, November is the beginning of our great food season. Whatever holidays we celebrate, we all enjoy the plethora of food that fills or tables and then our stomachs. So before we pull out the holiday decorations, we turned our attention to the issue of Nutrition. We were very lucky to have, as our […]

Nutrition Takes the Lead in Time for Holiday Meals!

Let me start by saying thank you for all the good wishes as I dealt with my mother’s recent passing.  It marked a third loss for me  in a short period of time .  Two dear friends, Ken Flavin and Karen Allen, also passed away recently.  Each showed me how to be a better person. […]