Dear Fellow Members…Thanks for the Support

What I really enjoy about our group is that it truly is a “support ” group ready to share knowledge, information, ideas and tricks they’ve  learned along the way with each other.  its easy, over time, to become more of a speakers’ bureau but when ours leaned a bit too far in that direction, members […]

Speech and Yoga

SPEECH AND YOGA Summary of Presentation by Melanie-Joy Dorn, Speech-Language-Pathologist,Fair Oaks Hospital to the Women with Parkinson’s Disease, September 6, 2016. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++   It was a small but lively, upbeat group of women who showed up for the first of our programs. Our special guest for month was well-known and respected Speech-Language Pathologist Melanie-Joy Dorn. […]

Nilotinib – An Encouraging Move

Donna called me this morning with more on the progression of nilotinib research to PD treatment.  Nilotinib is currently used for chronic myelogenous leukemia , a cancer of the white blood cells and early studies showed it as promising,  Now, Georgetown University and its researchers announced there will be a collaberation between the Michael J. […]

A New Year for W WPD Begins

Parkinson’s Foundation of the National Capital Area Update Wow, has this summer flown by! I can’t believe it’s already time again for the Parkinson’s Foundation of the National Capital Area’s annual Walk-Off Parkinson’s Fund and Awareness Raising Event.  This year’s Walk will be on September 18th in Washington, DC at Nat’s Park, home of the […]

Live Your Life!

LIVE YOUR LIFE! This was the upbeat message brought to our group by one of our area’s pre-eminent Movement Disorder Specialists, Dr. Drew Falconer.  Dr.  Falconer, along with his partner, Dr. Sean Rogers, make up the INOVA Movement Disorders Center. ” Dr. Drew”, as he is sometimes called, was a favorite speaker from last year and […]

A Rockin’ Good Time

Our April visit with Karl and Angela Robb was  a wonderful blend of experience, education, conversation and laughter.  Our speakers brought a lot to the table.  Karl. author of the well-loved book, “A Soft Voice in a Noisy World”, was diagnosed when he was in his early 20’s, twenty years ago!  He’s been down that long […]

April Meeting is This Wednesday

Meeting Reminder Wednesday, April 6th 1pm -2:30pm Contact Us for Meeting Address Reston, VA — ​​Featuring our guests, Karl and Angela Robb. Karl will have copies of his book , “A Soft Voice in a Noisy World” but is also happy to sign copies that you bring with you. Please return any borrowed books you’ve […]