What I really enjoy about our group is that it truly is a “support ” group ready to share knowledge, information, ideas and tricks they’ve learned along the way with each other. its easy, over time, to become more of a speakers’ bureau but when ours leaned a bit too far in that direction, members […]
Speech and Yoga
SPEECH AND YOGA Summary of Presentation by Melanie-Joy Dorn, Speech-Language-Pathologist,Fair Oaks Hospital to the Women with Parkinson’s Disease, September 6, 2016. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ It was a small but lively, upbeat group of women who showed up for the first of our programs. Our special guest for month was well-known and respected Speech-Language Pathologist Melanie-Joy Dorn. […]
Nilotinib – An Encouraging Move
Donna called me this morning with more on the progression of nilotinib research to PD treatment. Nilotinib is currently used for chronic myelogenous leukemia , a cancer of the white blood cells and early studies showed it as promising, Now, Georgetown University and its researchers announced there will be a collaberation between the Michael J. […]
Progress to Report on nilotinib
I’m trying hard to get back into fighting shape after a summer that left little time for it. Have you wondered, as I have, what the progress is on any of the new “miracle treatments” for Parkinson’s? I’m not one to sit at the computer for long periods every day checking for new research. So […]
A New Year for W WPD Begins
Parkinson’s Foundation of the National Capital Area Update Wow, has this summer flown by! I can’t believe it’s already time again for the Parkinson’s Foundation of the National Capital Area’s annual Walk-Off Parkinson’s Fund and Awareness Raising Event. This year’s Walk will be on September 18th in Washington, DC at Nat’s Park, home of the […]
Live Your Life!
LIVE YOUR LIFE! This was the upbeat message brought to our group by one of our area’s pre-eminent Movement Disorder Specialists, Dr. Drew Falconer. Dr. Falconer, along with his partner, Dr. Sean Rogers, make up the INOVA Movement Disorders Center. ” Dr. Drew”, as he is sometimes called, was a favorite speaker from last year and […]
A Rockin’ Good Time
Our April visit with Karl and Angela Robb was a wonderful blend of experience, education, conversation and laughter. Our speakers brought a lot to the table. Karl. author of the well-loved book, “A Soft Voice in a Noisy World”, was diagnosed when he was in his early 20’s, twenty years ago! He’s been down that long […]
April Meeting is This Wednesday
Meeting Reminder Wednesday, April 6th 1pm -2:30pm Contact Us for Meeting Address Reston, VA — Featuring our guests, Karl and Angela Robb. Karl will have copies of his book , “A Soft Voice in a Noisy World” but is also happy to sign copies that you bring with you. Please return any borrowed books you’ve […]