September Meeting Agenda Makes it a No-Miss Event

Is September 2nd marked on your calendar? It is the first fall meeting of the Support Group and we’re kicking it off with a bang. We’ll start with a catch-up session to see how everyone is. Then at 1:30, Dr. Drew Falconer will join us to talk about our “favorite” disease – Parkinson’s. Dr. Falconer […]

News You Can Use from the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research

Progress is being made in Preventing toxic protein clumps. Alpha-synuclein is the sticky protein that clumps in brain cells in Parkinson’s, and scientists believe that those clumps (called Lewy bodies) are toxic and lead to cell death. Because Lewy bodies likely play a primary role in disease progression and are seen in the brains of […]

The First WWPD Fall Workshop – Planning Stages

I have had a few opportunities/challenges in the last few weeks, ones that require skill-sets I lack. What I have learned is that people in this Parkinson’s  community are sharp,  have had vast experiences to bring to any table, are generous with their time and talents and are delightful people to be around.  Our July […]

FDA Approves New Deep Brain Stimulation Device

From the FoxFeed Blog ,  FDA Approves New Deep Brain Stimulation Device Posted by Maggie McGuire, June 16, 2015 The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced Friday that it had approved another deep brain stimulation (DBS) device for treatment of Parkinson’s disease and essential tremor. The Brio Neurostimulation System from St. Jude Medical works in […]

Looking at Life from Both Sides

  We were blessed with a wonderful speaker at our June meeting, Susan Infeld. Susan is a registered nurse in the field of Faith Community Nursing and is a member of the Pastoral Care Team at the church where we meet.   Faith Community Nursing (or Parish nursing) is an American Nurses Association specialty practice […]