September 8 Meeting Reminder

Our meeting is next Wednesday, September 8, at 1:00. Looking forward to seeing everyone and welcoming a few new members to our group. We are still planning to meet in person with precautionary measures to comply with our meeting facility, Fairfax County, and CDC recommendations and requirements to be as safe as we can. Having said that, we also recognize the varying levels of comfort when it comes to indoor activities. 

For Meeting Attendance—everyone meeting in-person shall be MASKED throughout the meeting, FULLY VACCINATED, and not attend if feeling ill or been in close contact with someone with COVID-19.

Additionally, we are asking if you could RSVP to the email that was sent, hitting reply all and indicating YES or NO.

We have the option of using the bigger all-purpose room in our meeting facility where we can be a little more spread out if we need to be, so it would be helpful to have an approximate count to make this decision. You are still welcome to attend even if you RSVP no. 

Our meeting attendance requirements are based on:
Our host’s protocol:“We are following Fairfax County and at this point it is not mandatory that people who enter wear a face mask. You are free to ask that your participants wear a mask and you’ll find that staff is wearing a mask when we are in public space. This is especially true if we are near or around the Preschool as Virginia licensing requires face masks to be worn.”

Fairfax County’s recommendations for indoor masking.

The CDC’s recommendation for Fairfax County, where community transmission is rated high, that “Everyone should wear a mask in public indoor settings.”


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