March 3rd Meeting Announcement

Our next meeting is Wednesday March 3. Our guest speaker will be Dr. Hannah Walters, MD, Neurologist/Movement Disorder Specialist, who will speak on Dystonia & Dyskinesia. Date: Wednesday, March 3  Time: 1:00 – 3:00 pm via Zoom  Speaker: Dr. Hannah Walters, MD, INOVA Medical Group—Neurosciences Topic: Dystonia & Dyskinesia: What’s the Difference Between Them and What Can […]

Supplementing Traditional Therapy to Slow PD Progression–a wealth of speaker-provided information

“Call me Sam,” Dr. Samantha Evans says, introducing herself at our February 3rd Zoom meeting. She shares her impressive educational and professional background, including “working with two of the most prominent naturopathic doctors in the country: Dr. Marco Vespignani and Dr. Laurie Mischley.” The majority of Dr. Sam’s naturopathic practice is devoted to neurological issues: […]

First Meeting of the New Year Announcement

Coughing or choking while eating or drinking, feeling like food and beverages are going “down the wrong pipe” —are not normal and not a normal part of aging. If this is occurring more than 1x/week, you likely have a problem that should not be ignored, according to Speech and Language Pathologist, Matt McKeon, who will join us on Wednesday, […]

Vocal Yoga Meeting Notes

Breath is the foundation of yoga and life, according to Melanie Dorn, guest speaker at our December 2nd meeting. She has combined her expertise and certifications as a Speech Language Pathologist, LSVT/LOUD Certified Clinician, and Certified Yoga Instructor to create a unique yoga program offering for people with Parkinson’s. Several years ago, while teaching PFNCA-sponsored Communication […]

December 2 Meeting–YOGA!

I’m excited about our meeting this month. Speech Language Pathologist, LSVT/LOUD Certified Clinician, and Certified Vocal Yoga Instructor Melanie Dorn will be demonstrating Vocal Yoga and educating us in ways to care for our voices. Date: Wednesday, December 2 Time: 1:00 – 3:00 pm via Zoom  Speaker: Melanie Dorn Topic: Breathing & Neck Rigidity + […]