Let me start by saying thank you for all the good wishes as I dealt with my mother’s recent passing. It marked a third loss for me in a short period of time . Two dear friends, Ken Flavin and Karen Allen, also passed away recently. Each showed me how to be a better person. Ken was such a positive force and upbeat personality. He had been a caregiver to his wife before she passed away. When I asked what he thought would be important for me to know to be a good cared-for spouse, he said, “Don’t complain”. I thought to myself ,”Wow, are there any easier suggestions?”. I think I do complain to my spouse but hopefully less than I would have without Ken. And Karen was the first women I met with Parkinson’s after my diagnosis. She was honest and open and let me see sides of living with the disease. She’s the person I think would have been more likely to start our support group if she’d had time and health. I thank them all for what they gave to me and will miss their spirit.
We are so lucky to have as our guest speaker for the November 4th meeting. Bailey Vernon, Health Educator in the Johns Hopkins University’s Department of Neurology’s Parkinson’s Disease and Bailey Vernon, Movement Disorder Center. She will address the topics of hydration, constipation, weight loss, bone health, and general nutrition. Bailey will also do a Q&A if there’s interest and help facilitate a discussion on related topics. We haven’t addressed these topics before so don’t miss it!

In case the word didn’t get out to everyone, those who can are meeting for lunch before the meeting. I’ve invited Bailey Vernon to join us if she’s able. She’s driving down from Baltimore so it will depend on traffic.
Also, the November meeting is looking like the last for our friend, Ginger, who is moving to Illinois so it’s a chance to visit with her some more while we can and say goodbye. Ginger’s sweet nature and soft-spoken kindness has enriched our meetings and we will miss her presence. But she’s moving with family and that is important for her. Hopefully, we’ll stay in touch and we wish her all the best in her home. We’re just going back to Lucia’s since its close and we know where it is, and of course the private “room” is a plus as well We already have 7 “yeses” so please respond just so we know to look for you if you haven’t already.We’ll need to meet at 11:30 am so we’re done in time to move for the meeting.

I love Bailey! Are you familiar with Rock Steady Boxing therapy for PD? Lynnette
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