Hey, all you group members out there, this post is dedicated to YOU! When we first met, we were so happy to find that there were others out there facing some of the same challenges as ourselves. We weren’t alone in the daily slog of tackling our Parkinson’s Disease. To repeat one of my favorite […]
Dear Abby – Advice from the Membership: Starting on Rytary
Every so often a member will ask to speak to anyone in the group who has experience with something they are going through. Usually, I broadcast the question and then forward who they could contact. Yesterday’s subject was put to us as this: Opinions and advice requested on this Rytary question. (Rytary is a new […]
March (ing) and Other Steps to Good Health
After one of our periodic social lunches, we had a very worthwhile visit from physical therapist, Ellen Krasniak, Clinic Director of Physiotherapy Associates in Ashburn, Virginia. A member who had benefited from her services recommended the group invite her in. We’re so glad we did! Points she made: Gait issues : A metronome (or […]
New Ways to Get in the Game
I think nearly everyone either gets the Neurology Today magazine, whether it is delivered, picked up at the doctor’s office or read online. But I wanted to draw special attention to the article in the February/March 2016 edition entitled, “Try This at Home”. It discussed clinical trials, especially the difficulty getting volunteers. There are new ideas […]
Miserable Day, Great Meeting
Last Wednesday, we gathered together, a spirited group of hearty souls. It wasn’t a wintery cold day, but the rain was coming down in buckets, making driving a hazard and walking, just miserable. For that reason, I was pleased to see 12 friendly faces walk through the door. This was our second no-speaker session in a […]
The Gift that Keeps on Giving
Have you dug yourself out of the snow yet? Have you had enough winter? Well, we’re closer to spring every day and I’m really hoping for no more big snows this year. I mean, it’s going to be 60 degrees on Monday! Are you ready for another speaker? Trudy has asked her Physical Therapist if […]
Vision: More than Meets the EYE! Tricks to Aid PD Patients :By Dr. De Leon
One thing I’d add to this great article is that its easy to confuse double vision with convergence issues. If you’re having eye problems, its worth a trip to a ophthalmologist/neurologist (dual trained). My original ophthalmologist told me that there were no vision issues with Parkinson’s Disease but there sure can be! Thanks, Maria, for […]
Priceless Time
What a great meeting we had today! With no outside guest speaker, and the holidays behind us, it was time to keep the meeting members only with a freeform conversational flow. Topics ranged from medications old and new as well as what is coming down the pike. Some time was spent discussing the possibility of […]
New Year’s Resolutions
Its that time of year, ladies, time to consider whether you are content with the status quo in all areas of your life, or whether you would like to see change happen. Sometimes, we set bold, large goals like losing a substantial amount of weight. But sometimes, they are smaller, quieter goals like smiling more or working […]
Looking Back and Looking Ahead
Our December meeting was a great fit for the season. Ann Duvall (bio here), was our guest educator on the subject of Qigong. We moved the meeting to a larger space in our meeting facility to have room to stretch and learn some of the movements. Ann began by describing her personal path that led […]