Our January guest speakers from Independent You were Joanne McCarty, Executive Director of Clinical & Care Management Services, and Diana Gilbert, Geriatric Care Manager. Independent You is a care management and home care services company providing services for older adults who wish to maintain their independence and remain in the comfort of their own homes. […]
January 4th Meeting Announcement
Hope everyone is having an enjoyable holiday season. Looking forward to our first meeting of the new year, which is less than a week from today. Our guest speakers this month are Mary Beth Crosson and Joanne McCarty, co-owners of Independent You, a care management and home care services company providing services for older adults […]
December Holiday Lunch Meeting Announcement
For our upcoming December meeting, we are planning a holiday lunch. RSVPs requested by December 1. Bring Your Own Lunch! We talked about a number of food options for the holiday lunch at our last meeting. To make this as simple as possible for everyone–because who needs additional stress in their lives, especially this time of year—each of us will […]
Let’s Motivate Each Other at Our Nov 2 Meeting!
What a beautiful fall season we are having here in Northern Virginia! The crisp air, clear skies, and changing foliage provide the perfect opportunity for an outdoor walk or hike. We all know that exercise is essential for people with Parkinson’s, not only because it helps us stay flexible, strong, and physically fit, but because […]
Boxing with Alec–October Meeting Notes
Alec Langstein was our guest speaker at our October 12 meeting. He is a personal trainer who works exclusively with people with Parkinson’s disease. His passion and enthusiasm for what he does and the people he works with is both energizing and inspiring! Alec owns and runs the Virginia Rock Steady Boxing locations in Tysons and […]
October 12th Meeting Announcement and Driving Resources
Looking forward to out upcoming in-person meeting. We have a guest speaker this month, who will talk to us for the first hour, followed by Just Us-Share Time. Meeting Details: Date: Wednesday, October 12 Time: 1:00-3:00 pm Speaker: Alec Langstein Topic: Rock Steady boxing, exercise, and video workout site Alec Langstein is a personal trainer who […]
Speaking of Fear — September Meeting Notes
It felt so good to see everyone in person! I’d forgotten the closeness of catching up one-on-one before the meeting begins. Taking the time to welcome someone who is attending for the first time. And that feeling afterward, lingering around the meeting room not quite ready to leave. At our September 7th Just Us-Share Time […]
September 7 Meeting Announcement
The votes are in! We will be meeting In-Person! Thank you for making your In-Person vs. Zoom meeting preferences known. Of the 18 e-mail responders, 11 preferred to meet In-Person, 7 via Zoom. The majority indicated they would attend either meeting format regardless of their preference; 1 member indicated she could attend only via Zoom […]
Mid-Summer Update
I hesitated to title this post, June 1 Meeting Notes, since it is the third week of July and I am just getting around to writing them. Parkinson’s makes me move more slowly, which means it takes a lot longer to get things done. I used to knock the items off my to-do list in […]
June 1st Zoom Meeting Announcement
May has sort of whizzed by and I suddenly realized that next Wednesday is the 1st of June and our meeting date. That’s a long intro apology for the late notice of the meeting. This will be our last meeting before we break for summer and resume again on Wednesday, September 7. Hope everyone is […]