While our next meeting is on April Fools Day, this is not a trick. Our next meeting will highlight travel. We finally have winter behind us and our minds can drift to travel, whether it be a cruise, a car trip to visit family far away, a beach or foreign travel.
Come armed with what you’ve learned from prior travel, what you’ve learned from others or what you’ve read. Past experiences whether painful or wonderful will educate us all. And since we are more than our disease, share more than PD lessons. Tell us where you’ve traveled that you loved or hated. For example, a friend of mine went to the Galapagos with a group reluctantly . She fell in love with the place and she’s taken her family back again and again.
We have members going on their first cruise. Do you have pictures, written information to share? Let’s make this educational but fun. As always, we’ll talk about whatever else we need or want as well. See you then!

Lu, I am looking forward to the meeting and will bring water and info about Alaska cruise we took last year. Donna