Lots of sharing and discussions at our September 9th meeting. Lots of familiar faces and some new ones. Lots of introspection on how Covid-19 and social isolation have affected our lives overall and with the additional challenges of having Parkinson’s. Many of us are pretty much housebound, relying on delivery services or helpful family members […]
September Meeting–Change of Topic
One thing we learn with Parkinson’s is how to deal with things that are beyond our control. We assess, we adjust, we adapt to each situation as it’s thrown our way. So when the scheduled support group guest speaker sends an email twenty hours before the meeting is about to begin that she’s very sorry […]
Interesting Websites and Speaker Offerings
Life has certainly changed since we rescheduled our in-person April meeting last spring and met virtually instead. I was unfamiliar with the term social distancing and who had ever heard of Zoom? Now I am grateful everyday for its ability to keep us all in touch with family and friends, and allow our group to […]
News and September 9 Meeting Announcement
Hope everyone has had a good summer and continues to be safe and well. It appears that physical distancing will be with us until at least the end of 2020, if not longer. Thankfully there are many online classes and offerings to keep us moving and socializing. PFNCA offers a wide range of activities: exercise, […]
June 3 ~ Zoom Meeting Announcement
June has traditionally been a social meeting. In years past, we’ve either gone out for lunch or shared a potluck meal or ordered in. This year was to have been a few hours of hair and make-up tips and being pampered, including a chair massage. Not looking back at what ‘could have been‘ as much […]
May Meeting Notes — Zoom Visit with Dr. Rogers
We welcomed Dr. Sean Rogers, Neurologist and Co-Director of the Inova Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Center, to our Zoom meeting on May 6. Sonia Gow, their outreach coordinator, attended our meeting as well. Dr. Rogers, who co-directs the center, informed us that they have opened a new Fairfax office, their Alexandria office is closed for […]
May 6 Virtual Meeting Reminder and Resource Links
A reminder about our virtual meeting next Wednesday–May 6–from 1.00 – 3.00 p.m. Information to join our meeting online will be sent out shortly. Please plan to sign on at 12.45 p.m. (consider this your driving time to the meeting) so we are all set when our guest speaker, Dr. Sean Rogers, Neurologist and Movement Disorder […]
Social Distancing
How are you affected by social distancing? One of our members feels like her days are flying by and she just can’t get motivated to do things that need to be done. There is also the anxiety that comes with going to the store or taking a walk outside, the accompaning fear of being less […]
Virtual Meetings
Welcome to the Virtual Meeting Age! We are not really social distancing; we are physically distancing from each other. Through the wonders of the Internet, we can still socialize with one another and hold our monthly meetings. Our last meeting on April 1 was held online. It was good to see those of you who logged on. […]
Meeting Notes, Upcoming Meetings (and cancellation), COVID-19 Information & Updates
UPDATE: Based on the medical opinion of Dr. Sean Rogers, our scheduled April 1 speaker, the April meeting has been cancelled due to the COVID-19 virus. March Meeting Notes: Our March 4 meeting began with a brief discussion of the PFNCA Symposium on Saturday, April 18th. The PFNCA website has detailed information and an easy […]